
Showing posts from December, 2022

Lady Demelza's Year in Books 2022

 New Year's Eve and the annual reckoning of the books - my favourite holiday ritual! You can click on the link at each book's title to find out more about it. 1. Traditional Healers of Central Australia: Ngangkari by NPY Women's Council Aboriginal Corporation 2013  2. Fight Like A Girl by Clementine Ford 2016 3. Desert Country by Nici Cumpston 2010 4. All Systems Red by Martha Wells 2017  5. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells 2018 6. Splitting by Fay Weldon 1996 7. The Sudden Appearance of Hope by Claire North 2016 8. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari 2011  9. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells 2018  10. How We Became Human by Tim Dean 2021  11. Once Upon A River by Diane Setterfield 2018  12. The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa 1994, English translation by Stephen Snyder 2019 13. The Rain Heron by Robbie Arnott 2020 14. Soil by Matthew Evans 2021 15. Oryx And Crake by Margaret Atwood 2003 16. The Second Cure by Margaret Morgan 2018  17. The Reason...